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photoshopper for hire

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oh there are many typos there lol..I didnt even check anything yet  :embarassed:

still in business. bump!  :cheers:

Hey Snake
What kind of pricing?
I have gotten hacks form you in the past and I was satisfied.


hey mate

i have a marquee juke sign ive designed , i joined a couple of pics together and i think when blown up and backlit the joins may be seen , what i want is it checked and made sure it will look good , do you also print marquees

if so how much will this cost


--- Quote from: egosbar on September 05, 2010, 08:29:32 am ---hey mate

i have a marquee juke sign ive designed , i joined a couple of pics together and i think when blown up and backlit the joins may be seen , what i want is it checked and made sure it will look good , do you also print marquees

if so how much will this cost

--- End quote ---

sorry man I just saw this lol.

email me the file I will see what I can do customjoystick AT

--- Quote from: Demon-Seed on June 09, 2010, 04:18:53 pm ---Hey Snake
What kind of pricing?
I have gotten hacks form you in the past and I was satisfied.


--- End quote ---

I did that huge blue demon sideart for you too :cheers:

depends on what I am doing. email me with all the info.


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