Software Support > controls.dat

Controls.dat type list for consoles?

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I've been playing around with CPWizard and have had some success with showing what each control is for Mame.  I'm now looking at doing the same for some consoles (N64, NES, etc.).

Before I went down the path of trying to manually type in what each button did for each console game, I was wondering if there was some sort of project or file or something that listed what each of the controls were for some of the console games.

I did a search on the forums and in Google but nothing came up, so I figured I'd post and see if anyone else has ever heard of a solution.  Apologies if this is a question that comes up all the time.

I've actually started work on an app to configure the controls for emulators (other than mame) for use with LEDBlinky. The output should be similar to controls.xml.

Arzoo, have you seen the controls.dat app that headkaze recently wrote? Unless your app is somehow different it might be better not to reinvent the wheel.


--- Quote from: TheShanMan on November 26, 2008, 11:58:56 am ---Arzoo, have you seen the controls.dat app that headkaze recently wrote? Unless your app is somehow different it might be better not to reinvent the wheel.

--- End quote ---

I have - it's very slick! In some sense it does much more than I need. But it's also missing some data more specific to LEDBlinky.

Hey Arzoo I'm going to e-mail you about this as I think I might be able to help out.

EDIT: LMAO I just got your e-mail about it hehe :dizzy:


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