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Favorite Front End

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--- Quote from: bigdog1977 on September 27, 2008, 03:03:11 pm ---FrizzleFried what is that picture of in your Avatar??

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You don't wanna know...

I don't understand the popularity of Hyperspin :dizzy: It looks like the front-end equivalent of Polonaise/Line dancing, of the movie Meet the Grannies, of a Happy Meal, of the new VW Beetle, of leggings and fake curled/blonded hair, of TV calling games, of Char, or well to summarize it all: it equals bad taste.

I was almost the first to vote for EmuLaunch. I like a Mac effort. But it is not fast and complete enough. When it is 5 times as fast, and supports U360 mapping it will get my vote. Now it is Mala.


--- Quote ---When will the atomic .20 be out just curious
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I was expecting end of September. But i got a Baby , so  i will be late on my planning.  Should be mid october.

It is almost finished , we are polishing things.


--- Quote from: Blanka on September 29, 2008, 02:01:43 pm ---I don't understand the popularity of Hyperspin :dizzy: It looks like the front-end equivalent of Polonaise/Line dancing, of the movie Meet the Grannies, of a Happy Meal, of the new VW Beetle, of leggings and fake curled/blonded hair, of TV calling games, of Char, or well to summarize it all: it equals bad taste.

I was almost the first to vote for EmuLaunch. I like a Mac effort. But it is not fast and complete enough. When it is 5 times as fast, and supports U360 mapping it will get my vote. Now it is Mala.

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of course not everyone is going to like it(hyperspin) but I wonder why you think it looks so bad?

 There are many Front Ends that have feature I like,
or I like the way they look...

However I have to choose the older Version of
Mamewah in Combination with the Setup tool
provided by David Butler.

Most of the other I couldn't figure out or was
turned off by the unusual directory structure I
had to setup... (unusual to me anyway).

However with this combination it can't get any easier!

*** Teutonic Darkness ***


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