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Cap Kit Install Videos - Informational

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Damn the 3rd link is already dead. (EDIT: I got a 'no longer available' error, but it seems to be OK now)  ???
Is there anyway to capture these and host them here permanently in case they are removed from youtube?  This kind of tutorial is so nice.  I had no idea how the anode cap was actually attached to the hole until I watched this.

Awesome. I really appreciate these vids as I need to recap my Pentranic 1125, but have never done anything of the sort due to fear of missing something in the instructions and being zapped. After seeing these, I will definitely get around to recapping in the future!

Big vote for this becoming a sticky. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who need to see this.


--- Quote from: Neilyboy on February 11, 2008, 04:01:45 pm ---.. but im the kinda guy who always says.. if its not broke dont fix it.
--- End quote ---

And you'd be fine in that assumption.  If it's working well, with good colors, LEAVE IT ALONE.

Hurray Banana:

--- Quote from: ahofle on February 11, 2008, 05:36:47 pm ---Is there anyway to capture these and host them here permanently in case they are removed from youtube?
--- End quote ---


You can use these to convert YouTube to video files (even just the audio if that's what you want). My students use these a lot.

They can then be uploaded somewhere.

Does anyone know who made those top two videos?

I'd like to thank them
I just finished my first cap kit and it went beautifully (for the most part, thread here
I was really nervous about doing it, especially discharging the monitor of course, and having that info gave me the confidence to do it


thanks so much for posting this
this should be stickied


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