Software Support > PowerMAME
Anyone using PowerMAME with lit SlikStik handles?
There was some bad information given to me when I wrote the LEDWiz.dll. The LEDWiz is supposed to only have 48 levels of intensity when in fact it has 49. 49 is full on with no modulation. If you are using Auto-color changing LED's like the ones in the SlikStik handles, they won't change color properly.
I've fixed the problem for myself but didn't release a new LEDWiz.dll. If anyone is seeing this problem let me know.
I would love a copy of the new ledwiz.dll. Incidently, I have a question for you, on the GGG website it says it has the following hardware modes then lists sawtooth, squarewave, sawdown, sawup. Does your ledwiz.dll support the 129 to 132 commands like the ocx? I would assume it does since these are hardware functions.
--- Quote from: headkaze on January 31, 2007, 10:48:14 pm ---I would love a copy of the new ledwiz.dll. Incidently, I have a question for you, on the GGG website it says it has the following hardware modes then lists sawtooth, squarewave, sawdown, sawup. Does your ledwiz.dll support the 129 to 132 commands like the ocx? I would assume it does since these are hardware functions.
--- End quote ---
Yes is does.
If someone would like to host the LEDWIZ.dll (and 49way for that matter), I'll make it available.
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