Software Support > PowerMAME

PowerMAME plug-in??

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So it looks like Mala would be the logical solution.  Maybe the PowerMame forum should be closed and open up an LEDWIZ forum so everyone knows whats available.  I did not know that Mala was that far along.  Good to know....


Mike, would sharing your code with Mala, Atomic FE, and Mamewah be so bad?  I appreciate all you did for us, and I still use powermame to this day even with my dual monitors.  I know a lot of the community is sooo happy Randy came out with the led wiz that they can't appreciate my frustration with a lack of software, but whatever. That thing cost me $60.  I am really impressed that you stepped up out of the blue to contribute what you have and I know many others feel the same way.  Thanks again, and I hope that you will be willing to share it with the active developers of the community.


RandyT has all my code and I believe he has given it to some of the FE people.  I'm sure that anyone who is willing to write LEDWiz code can get it from RandyT.

I'm sorry that people feel like they didn't get their moneys worth from the LEDWiz but that respectfully that isn't my problem or fault.  I developed PowerMAME for my own purpose because of the lack of software.  I made nothing off the work I did for the community nor did I expect to.  It just became too big of task for me to keep up with releases and customer support.   I work during the day and want to spend my free time with my family.  PowerMAME was really starting to eat into that and was always this nagging annoyance that I needed to attend to.  Usually not for anything that I needed either.

It is an interesting commentary though that people are upset that there free software isn't going to be available to run their $60.00 hardware.

If I could make a living selling software products to the MAME community, I'd quit my job tomorrow.  You guys are a lot more fun to work with than corporate America.   :) It's unfortunate that there is a mentality that you don't pay for peoples hard work when it is software but you do when it is hardware.

Just my 2 cents.

Mccoy, you and the guys on this thread have been some of the great "customers" and feel bad I can't support you guys. 

I'm very certain that no one is upset with you.  I think the frustration is more with Randy and even to that degree it's not that severe.  I mean, at least we have an awesome product.  I hope you don't think I'm criticizing you.  That's not my intention. 

Sorry, I just caught the last sentence of your reply.   :cheers:


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