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Which wood?

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I know this has been discussed here several times but i'm still trying to decide what to use. Particle board is not an option. I've heard good stuff about MDF but I dunno. Currently my choice is Plywood but it's so expensive compared to MDF.

I know a lot of people use MDF and it works fine.  I went with oak plywood because my wife said if it was coming in the house, it needed to look like furniture...  :)

Mine is made out of Oak Plywood (3/4" - about $45 a sheet).  The reason for that is I plan on staining the cabinet to match our basement bar cabinets (granted its not arcade-authentic but it helps keep maritial harmony....).

If I were painting the cab or using laminate, I would have used MDF.  It will give a nice smooth surface at a much cheaper price.

wouldn't priming and several coats of paint make plywood look like a regular cab? also i heard contact paper gave good results (altho it sounds horrible to me)

Sure, it would look fine, but if you are going to paint it, save yourself a bunch of money and just go MDF.


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