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Price for Building the Project Arcade?
The problem I've seem to come across it that after my first one was done, I built three for family and friends. This promptly has caused me to upgrade to 49 ways, and an lcd in the control panel and it just goes on from there. Next thing you know, I have a control panel that costs more than my first cabinet.
I'm just finishing up mine and I followed the LuSiD design in the book nearly to the letter, and I'm at ~$1600 total for parts/electronics. That is without the cost of any tools or a computer (using a hand-me-down PC). All other parts were bought new.
Features include: 2 player control panel with 3" trackball and spinner utilizing the Hagstrom USB 36 input encoder, HAPP multiplayer over/under coin door, Klipsch Promedia 2.1 speaker system, and 27" Vision Pro VGA-arcade monitor.
I bought all the parts over a period of several months though, so the pocketbook wasn't hit hard all at once.
All good replies, price varies greatly depending on how many "whizbangs", you put on the cabinet/in the game.
I believe this vendor is located in London. If it helps, this place supplies a lot of encoders, and arcade parts. The support from them has been excellent, and I have excellent dealings with them in the past.
Good luck, and be sure to start a post in the "Project Announcements" thread, and post plenty of pictures so that we can give you ridicule advice.... ;D
I've spent $660 so far on my cabinet. About $100 of that was for tools I needed to complete the project (like rubber mallet, T-molding bit, 32 inch Irwin clamp, etc). Another $150 went into the PC (new motherboard/processor, 512MB ram, 2.1 Altec Lansing speakers). Oh yeah, I wasted probably about $75 in plexy, screws I didn't use, etc.
I still want to build my own control panel with ipac, joystick, trackball and spinner. I need a coin door. I still need some artwork. Maybe a new glass bezel on the front since my plexy one got marked and scratched up badly.
I'll try and putt up a better cost breakdown on my cab site at
Since I have Zero wood working skills, tools etc. I just found a used cabinet for $20 dollars. I'm planning on putting in all the parts I need in. Apparently the only thing it needs is a new board because the old one had burned or something. I may try and find someone to make make a MK3 CP for me, but that's about it.
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