Arcade Collecting > Merit/JVL Touchscreen

megatouch question.

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It depends.... the Force  is there latest and greatest. You can pick up a Maxx for a decent price. It's just Merit's way of making operaters buy new machines. I remember the Merit promise when they first came out with the megatouch. "You buy the game and we will sell you the update for the cost of the chips @ $25"! That lasted for one update. Who knows what the new updates will cost for the Force 2006. Expect to pay between $400-$500 for them.

Ahhhhh yes I remember it well. The Mega-Touch. What a wonderful thing. They were cheap for what they were and made a ton of money. You couldn't get one every bar top fast enough. The updates were cheap YEAAAAA!!!! You had to cart your money into the bank and danced the whole way to the door. Then came the XL's..... CD-Rom based games. Now you had to buy yet another machine to replace all those Mega-Touches that you bought. Not to metion the Merit sneak attack deal. Things like buy 5 or more Mega-Touches and pay nothing for six months!!!!! Then a super low interest rate for 18 months.... how many would you like?  Two months later they would unveil their newest creation and now you were locked into the old ones. The old CD Rom drives.... what a bad idea for a bar. All that smoke just made them so dependable (blatant sarcasm). Changing a Rom drive got to be like a pitstop. The first one you changed you where thinking you got to be kidding me..... I have to take the monitor out to change the dive???? After you got a few under your belt it was nothing. Of course after you got every location an XL along comes then XL super deal, and then the Maxx. Which a hardrive was a much better idea for a bar I must say. But now it's time to buy a whole new round of Mega-Touches. Then the Force and the whole thing is repeated. Now the flatsceen..... the e.V.o. What started out as a wonderful money making endeavor has turned into an effort to keep up and try to stay even with these things.

You may find this hard to believe.... but I used to be an optimist....hehehe.


I wonder how hard it would be to retheme a megatouch to look like a Moonwalker.

Well, I just did a quick ebay search and found Maxx Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire going from $900 to $1500.
What is the difference between these?
Are these fair prices?

What sucks is I just want this for home use so I don't need things like a $500 bill changer!!

Are there any companies out there that make similar games like this for home use...that would also work good on a touch screen?

They are just different levels of upgrades. You can get the cheapest one and update it to the latest upgrade which for a Maxx would be the Jade. Depending on what you buy you may need a memory upgrade as well.


--- Quote from: ChadTower on August 29, 2005, 12:58:07 pm ---
I wonder how hard it would be to retheme a megatouch to look like a Moonwalker.

--- End quote ---




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