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A general thanks - My cabinet is almost done! Whee


Just wanted to say a general public thanks to everyone on this board. I picked up a lot of great helpful info for my own project here, even though I just signed up for a posting account today.

And, as long as I'm posting, here's a link to a pic of my nearly completed project:

There are a few other pictures in the cpshots dir for the curious -- but no full web page yet.

Quick rundown of key features:
Maruqee from Scott's Unicade page (thanks :) )
CP art I made using the same program Scott used (imagemagik)
converted TMNT cabinet
WG D9200 27" monitor custom fit into the TMNT
Each player has a rotary joystick and a spinner, along with other standard controls.

I'll put a page up someday, for now I'm too busy building.

Thanks again!


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