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Putting speakers in your cab

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I was going to use comp speakers in my mame cab and want a volume control that I can access without a lot of trouble (ie either the back or under the control panel, anywhere but the inside).

I've heard about ripping out the amp and wiring it somewhere, but how does this work for a volume control?

Too bad this rules out getting nice speakers, I'm not gonna risk ruining 100+ dollar speakers =)

Get the Cambridge speakers. This has an external volume control. This is what I have in mine. Get the one with the 4 satellite and a sufwoofer (4 point surround system).

My speakers are mounted in the top of the cab behind the marquee.  

I drilled a hole where the volume control knob is, and (haven't done this yet) but am going to jury-rig a round  light dimmer switch that will mount on the outside of the cabinet that will allow me adjust the volume via the knob.   Shouldn't be too hard.

I got the cheap compusa speakers, don't sound bad.

See under the marquee how I mounted....
The two speakers and subwoofer ar there.  Just notched the right side for the volume and power controls.

Rick Osborn:
Just add an EQ to your PC'll now have a remote control for volume too.  

My audio cables run from my A/V selector, then into the EQ then into my car amp and speakers.  The included controls the PC sound, Dreamcast and TV sound.  Will control the volume of anything I connect to my A/V switch.

I needed this because the DC has no sound control when running through my car amp and speakers.  I could've used the TV speakers, but I wanted one button to swap between any components.  

The EQ looks super in the PC and there are all sorts of graphic settings and controls to custom tailor your sound.


--- Quote ---I was going to use comp speakers in my mame cab and want a volume control that I can access without a lot of trouble (ie either the back or under the control panel, anywhere but the inside).

I've heard about ripping out the amp and wiring it somewhere, but how does this work for a volume control?

Too bad this rules out getting nice speakers, I'm not gonna risk ruining 100+ dollar speakers =)
--- End quote ---


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