Thanks! I've actually been to NTS and the place on 60th and Grover. Each of those places fixed one of my games. Really nice people at both places and you are right, they both sell cabs... I actually bought my MAME cab at NTS, i got a good deal on that, 50 bucks for an empty dynamo cab with working coin door and mechs. Unfortunately, they are businesses and are selling them to make money and price them accordingly. While i don't think they are ripping people off, i think they are a little on the high end. NTS had a pacman for 1,000.00 and it wasn't even in that great of shape. I think the cheapest game NTS sells was like 600.00 for a double dragon in bad shape. i was hoping to get a few bargains from some local people just wanting to get rid of their games that are just sitting in their garages. I bought my Ms. Pac at Gamers, so that was cool. never thought of looking at thrift shops...i've been to goodwill from time to time and never saw an arcade game's probably rare to see them there, i guess you just gotta get lucky.