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Linux Options ??
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ANyone here know of any linux based mame cabnet projects outthere ?
I was interested in seeing any other setup's before istart doing my own, hopefuilly some other people might of intcountered some problems which i wont have to go through :),
Dustin T.:
My cabinet is Linux based. xmame.SDL is the best way to compile mame I have found. Grustibus is a great front end to manage and launch games if you are going to use X. Not much special you have to do with Linux than Windows or Dos versions. Linux is the best of all worlds because you get the speed of DOS mame and hardware support of Windows MAME. (DOS mame forces you to have sound and video that is DOS compatible.)
I use Fluxbox for my window manager and BBKEYS for my key mapping utility to manage MP3 players -- screen switching etc....from my control panel. Very little need for a keyboard... Plus you can telnet into your machine to transfer ROMS or upgrade MAME from a remote location....try that in DOS. Windows just seems to drag Mame down....Believe me I have tried all three and picked Linux head and shoulders above the rest.
Congrats to the xmame team for a fine port....
is your cab online , i would like to take a look at any online cabs based on linux, like the ones in the examples pages ?
Craig Servin:
I built a Linux based cabinet. I love it I use xmame.xgl and zinc and zsnes.
For a window manager I use ratpoison because it makes everything fullscreen by default with no decorations.
I set up the modlines to match the arcade monitor and then just use the different GL versions of the emulators to scale the output.
I considered DOS but the dificulty with USB and networking ruled that out.
My only problem is that all of the front ends are really bad for using with a joystick or trackball. I am in the process of writing my own, but it will be a while before I am done.
Dustin and Craig:
Got any links to the programs you mentioned?
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