Software Support > DOS/WinCab
WinCab: Can I control how the "selection box"
I've been playing around with WinCab on my cabinet, and I think it's pretty slick. I don't have a trackball or anything on my cabinet, so I'm finding the best way to control it seems to be just moving the "selection box" with the joystick, and using a button to select whatever item the box is on.
The only problem with this approach is that the thin dotted line of the selection box can be kind of hard to see. Is there a way to control the appearance of that element? Is it a part of the skin?
What kind of controls do you have on your CP? The jukebox is really designed to use a direct button entry; the selection box method is meant for a system like Pac-Man with only a joystick and a couple of buttons.
I am adding configurability to the focus line, but it's not in the public build yet. But if you can let me know what's on your CP, I might be able to suggest a more comfortable control methods.
My cabinet is an old Street Fighter II. So it just has the two sticks, and 6 buttons per player, and the 1 & 2 starts.. So to me, the most intuitive way to control it seems to be using the stick to move focus. I thought about the idea of assigning a button to be "A", "B", etc., but the problem with that is people that are unfamiliar with the machine won't know what is what. I'm not going to make a new CPO to add stuff just for the jukebox, it's kind of just an "extra".
--- Quote from: kcm3 on September 15, 2004, 03:41:02 pm ---I'm not going to make a new CPO to add stuff just for the jukebox, it's kind of just an "extra".
--- End quote ---
I solved this problem by adding an instruction card to the bezel. But regardless, I'll make the focus lines configurable as soon as I get home. (Right now they're based on the resolution, so if you're running in 1024x768, try 800x600 and see if you like them.)
Thanks, I think that will be a helpful addition. I'm thinking about adding another instruction card as well, since I've already put one of the bezel for mamewah. Just trying to avoid too much clutter. I think usage will be obvious to people if they can make out the focus rectangle.
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