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Volume control?


Hey guys, its been a long time since I've posted here. My volume in most games are way too low (even with the volume turned up on speakers and in ArcadeOS). Is there a way to edit ArcadeOS somehow to get the volume higher? I'm sure this must be a problem for other people other than me?? Sorry if this was mentioned before but like I said i've been away for a while     ???

Are they amplified speakers?  Try plugging them into the speaker out instead of the line out.  The volume may be set to low in your sound card drivers.  Read the docs to find out how to increase the volume.

Everything is set up fine, but what I meant was some games sound fine when I have the volume turned up almost all the way, then other games are really low where I can barely hear. I guess my main question was is if there is any way to adjust the games so they are all the the same volume? Thanks in advance for any help!


--- Quote ---then other games are really low where I can barely hear. I guess my main question was is if there is any way to adjust the games so they are all the the same volume? Thanks in advance for any help!
--- End quote ---

I found this in the FAQ at hope this will helps.

I03. The volume in the Mortal Kombat and other recent Williams games is very low.  

When the game is running, hit F2 to get to its own internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now navigate to the "Volume adjust" option with arrow keys or your joystick, and adjust the volume. Make sure you don't set the volume too high, otherwise the sound will start crackling. Then exit the menu with the appropriate selections. If the sound crackles in the game, go back to the service menu and lower the volume.



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