Thanks for the info
I had a gut feeling it was down to the onboard video + GM Found a tool online that does a full hardware inventory on boot, so its a NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 430.
I powered up the system as I had it and it has the Gamex frontend running on WinXP
I did try and mess around the EDID but didnt have any luck with it.
So i'm back to the drawing board at this stage, I guess my options are to get another card that is compatible or jump back to Win7. Im not sure groovymame will work with this card but will read more
I still have to figure out how the old system is automatically switching the res
Soft15khz and quickres are installed .. just need to pull apart the config properly and do more reading
This can turn into a rabbit hole at times .. trying to get everything to everyone in one cabinet is not feasable, so I have to readjust my expectations, which are now
- An update, make sure everything is updated, grab Win7 and give it a cleanup
- tidy up all the internals as they are everywhere
- rewire the controls with iPAC
- add two big buttons on the front for coin or whatever, just to cover the holes
- obtain more knowledge on what to expect out of the monitor resolution wise
- change the marquee and speakers
- Investigate a sexy frontend for it, whether stick with gamex, retroarch or something else
At the end of the day, its really just for the oldschool kinda games, streetfighter, mortal kombat, sunset riders, cabal, all that old goodie stuff
I appreciate the comments, sometimes I feel a bit thick with this but every nugget of information definately helps