Hi all
I've seen this has kinda been addressed in some other posts but
Haven't seen a solution. Groovy mame refuses to notice any mouse devices even after turning on mouse in the settings. I want mouse devices to work so I can use my Retro Shooter Reaper on Groovy Mame. By default It sees it as a keyboard. I can get it to work as a joystick but it doesn't work well. I even have a .CFG file in the crtl folder that shows it how it supposed to be assigned and still wont work, and yes I edited the .ini to tell it to use it. Regular Mame it works fine but Groovy Mame refuses to see any mice devices. I'm at work right now and will add photos later of how it's reading devices. This is Groovy Mame 0261 but the newest version is doing the same.
My specs are
Windows 11
Amd R9 390x using CRT Emu driver
Amd 3600
16gb ram