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Juke amps ,acceptors ,and control boards for sale
Carl Fuller jr:
Juke box amps , bill acceptors ,ccc ,and mech control board sale My l as lot.....My dad was in amusement repair business for 40 years and I would like to sell the parts as a lot there are several vintage and up to the rowe cd100 amps and ccc control boards , mech control boards , and various parts not sure if this is allowed here as I'm on a phone and couldn't read all the fine print if this post is allowed please msg me at the email provided if it's not allowed I guess kick me and delete post
There's nothing wrong with your post Carl, but here are two helpful suggestions:
1.) You might want to have people email you using the icon under your username instead of leaving your email in the body of your post where spammers' scraper bots will harvest it and flood your inbox.
- If people send you a PM, you should receive an email notifications. If you want to keep a record of the PMs you send, be sure to check the "Save a copy of each personal message in my sent items by default." box in your profile under the "Modify Profile -- Personal Messaging" menu since that is not enabled by default.
2.) Where are you located? There might be someone who would be even more interested if they know you're within a reasonable driving distance.
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Good luck with the sale. :cheers:
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