Arcade Collecting > Pinball
Pac Man Arcade Pro Pinball Game (Pretty decent tabletop pinball game)
I picked up this Pac Man Arcade Pro Pinball Game last week and thought that it was actually really quite decent (with one fairly big caveat). This thing packs a lot of real pinball punch into a small form factor. If you think it might be of interest to you, please check out my mini review below.
$150? :laugh2:
You laugh PBJ, but I know you're aware we always get screwed over with the price of electronic goods over here in the UK vs the US - just look at the difference in price of a PS5 Pro on either side of the Atlantic (not that I'd ever have any intention of getting one). And besides, this is hardly the most extravagant novelty purchase I've ever made (and ---fudgesicle--- it, I paid my mortgage off last year, I can treat myself to nice things)
Congrats on the mortgage!
I'll be dust before mine is paid off.
It has always surprised me that if pins are as popular as they are that there aren't a host of companies building a full size table at a price point that is maybe half of what those modern Stern's go for.
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