Well, again, you use CRU here which modifies and adds things to EDID. But still, even if you did, if you use RatRefresh -usecustomedid after using CRU, it will do the same as 0.11, namely only change byte 54 and 55 of the 0 value in the EDID_OVERRIDE key, and value 127 (the last one). 54 and 55 is the pixelclock in 10kHz units (reversed, because why take the easy road). Byte 127 is checksum, which must match else the value is ignored completely.
I don't have the luxury of a HDMI2 screen. I'm interested though in an export of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\<monitor instance> for that, to see if there's actually something different. For your info, if you completely reset things (remove from device manager, reboot) you can open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\<monitor id>\Device Parameters key, there is an EDID value. If you open that, the next to last byte (ie. 126, start counting from 0) contains either 0 or 1 - 0 is no extension blocks, 1 is use extension blocks. When you use CRU to create custom resolutions, and there is an extension block active (even default counts), in the EDID_OVERRIDE key it'll create the 0 value (which is the regular EDID value) with bit 126 set to 1. And if that's 1, there will also be a registry value 1, which contains the extension blocks. When it's set to default, so far I've seen it then has value 02 03 00 00 00 00 ....... 00 and then the checksum.
So, if using extension block on a custom resolution, in EDID_OVERRIDE you'll have values 0 and 1. But I don't know where the extensionblocks would be stored when you DON'T use a custom resolution, i.e. your monitors own EDID in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\<monitor instance>\Device Parameters is still only 128bytes in total, and I've not seen another value in there. As far as others with the same question I've found, Windows only stores the first EDID block and not the extension blocks. If we need them for some monitors to work, I'll need to find a way to get them from the monitor. CRU can do it (or does it just make some extension block up?), and I have CRU's sources, so I might be able to figure that out, although it'll not be easy.
I tested just removing the detailed resolutions for the original extension block, and this seems to work. For some reason, later versions after .11 replace the original extension block with a 'Default extension block'. This seems to work to prevent issues with the monitor, but for some reason it won't let you see any other resolutions set.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but isn't that
exactly what we want? When I start a MAME game from my frontend, which has a certain rereshrate, it runs RatRefresh, and after disable / enable the display driver I am in that refresh rate. Without the need of manually switching to it. That's exactly the intention of the tool, to automate so your game runs at the exact speed it was intended for. It's NOT meant to add multiple resolutions with different refreshrates in order for them so show up in Windows. The deal (or at least my deal

) is to have only ONE resolution in there, so Windows HAS to use that. If you want to setup different ones, then CRU is your buddy, as that's much more versatile for that. Basically, sorry for repeating, RatRefresh changes the pixelclock (ie. byte 54 and 55) and the checksum, and stores that in the EDID_OVERRIDE value. All other options are for trying to get it to work in more configurations. But we should have the same expectation in mind else you might say 'doesn't work' but maybe it actually does

It seems the 'Default' can't be customized and there is also no way to go back to the original block, unless CRU is used to reset it. If it's possible to keep the original instead of the 'Default extension block' this might help with some of the issues from before.
The thing is the Extension block is not in registry. When you run CRU and save a resolution, it creates the EDID_OVERRIDE key and in your case has value 0 and 1, 0 beging the regular EDID block (with customized resolutions if any), and 1 with the extension block. If you remove the complete EDID_OVERRIDE key (ie, RatRefresh -remove would do that) it reverts to the original EDID, which is NEVER changed from RatRefresh. However, I have seen CRU change that, as per some procmon screenshots some posts above here. So that means, if CRU leaves the original EDID alone, removing the EDID_OVERRIDE key should reset everything back to normal.
So what I'm interested in, is a 'clean' registry export of your new monitor, after remove / reboot of everything. If possible the whole registry tree. There should be an EDID value in there. Then, use CRU and edit the default resolution, preferably only the refreshrate. Save that, and there should be a EDID_OVERRIDE key now, with values 0 and 1 (and who knows even more). I'm curious if that 1 value actually holds some data, or if it's just the default 'empty' one I've seen before. Please do an export of the whole monitor registry again, so I can also see if CRU modified your original EDID value.
Looking through the CRU sources, I see it uses specific API calls for AMD and NVidia CPU's, but nothing for Intel. I have an old Zotac mini-pc, which has an AMD cpu. And sure enough when I connect the very same Dell monitors on it as I have on my home pc, it shows the CTA-861 extension block with some additional resolutions. Whereas my Intel NUC (with Intel GPU of course) just shows a 'default extension block'.
So I now have another system to test with. If it's really needed I'm sure I can implement the API calls, but I'd absoltely prefer not to do so if it's not needed for the goal of RatRefresh. So what I'll try is fiddle around with extension blocks without resolutions in it, so that way I expect Windows would just use the one resolution / refresh rate that's left.
No registry exports needed anymore for now, as I can do them myself which is obviously quicker. Still interested in answers to my other question - do we expect the same from RatRefresh? Stay tuned :-)
And I just confirmed this ATI machine behaves exactly as your machines do, it just stays at 59.950. So AMD and probably NVidia systems are the issue here. I'll try to figure it out