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Skee Ball Programming? Anyone familair with how these work?


I have a pretty old skeeball machine.  Not sure how old it is, but it has 3 boards, 1 fuse and 1 toggle switch (acts like a reset switch since it turns on and off).  Back was working fine, seems like the ticket dispenser was disabled as I was able to play without tickets dispensing.  After a while, the boards got knocked loose, i thought the machine broke so i didn't mess with it for years.  Decided to plug it in recently to investigate, found out that the boards were loose so i plugged them all back in.  It looked like it was resetting when I toggled the reset switch.  It was counting 0 to 9, then the game over/new game was flashing.  I hit the coin switch, ball would dropped and it would work.  However, once i hit 150 points, the ticket dispenser makes a little rattle noise, then i noticed the ball counter went away, It would continue to keep score until I ran out of balls. It doesn't show game over.  When i hit the coin switch, the score would reset to 0, but the balls won't drop to start a new game.  I think because the ticket dispenser is not working, it's not allowing me to start a new game.  If i reset the machine, i can play again until i hit 150, the ticket dispenser would make a rattle noise get stuck again.  I read through some threads about dip swicthes, but it doesn't appear the boards i have has any.  there's also a small toggle switch near the ticket dispenser, but it appears to be disconnected. My question is how do I program if the boards doesn't have dip switches?  I like to get it back to where the ticket is disabled. How do i test the dispenser?  I attached photos of the boards and where the ticket dispenser is.  Hope someone with some experience can help me troubleshoot this bad boy.  Thanks!


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