When people submit entries, should the frames skipped only cover the bootup items like RAM checks that aren't part of the attract mode cycle,
or should it also skip company logos, region code screens, FBI message screens, etc. so it goes straight to the title screen or eye-catching attract mode animation?
- For example, the current setting "macross,104" shows the Banpresto logo for four seconds before the eye-catching animation kicks in and Kono e Tako shows two company logos before it gets to the title screen. The logos are part of the attract mode cycle for these games.
Fixed: https://github.com/Jakobud/skipstartupframes/releases
On a side note it seems like the ssf.txt frames for stun runner are WAY too high
S.T.U.N. Runner is confirmed working.

- The setting is indeed WAY too high -- it should be 180.
There are lots of other values that look insanely high like Dangerous Seed "dangseed,10510".

Some entries have a negative number like Seibu Cup Soccer "cupsoc,-1".

Bottom line: Looks like the whole list needs a sanity check.
The following submissions skip straight to the title screen or the beginning of the attract mode animation.
Cyber Sled - cybsled,360
Eco Fighters - ecofghtr,1000
Ikari Warriors - ikari,350
Ms. Pac-Man - mspacman,294
Pole Position - polepos,372
Prop Cycle - propcycl,20
S.T.U.N. Runner - stunrun,180
Warlords - warlords,0
New entries:
Kono e Tako - konotako,535
Omega (Nihon) - omega,40
Polygonet Commanders - plygonet,1710
Shooting Gallery - shootgal,52