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Yet another Golden Tee 2002 request for help - green board
I purchased a 2002 Golden Tee cabinet, that's what was on the marquee. Inside were several security chips to upgrade it to later versions but not the eagle ROM.
Currently the board has its two green LEDs that are flashing which I understand to be good however I'm not getting video out. I'm using one of those Chinese converters to send signal to an HDMI monitor but that's not working. I understand that you cannot hook up a VGA cable directly to the output of the 3dfx voodoo card but I have tried that to no avail.
What are some things that I can look at in regards to this? Do I have a problem with video? I don't have the monitor readily available so I'm stuck with what monitors I have here with VGA or hdmi. The power supply is putting out 5 volts correctly. I do not however have a hard drive connected at this time. The drive that came with it was completely dead so I will be doing something with that later on.
I've got a logic Probe on order so that I can see if the chips are doing anything but in the meantime what else can I do here? What are some things that I can check? Should I be able to get video and exactly what do I need to do? I'm going to attach photos of the board and of the converter I'm using.
I put the 3dfx card into my computer and found that it was passing video so that means something else is going on.
all the old IT's games output a non-standard resolution/refresh rate. golden tee doesn't run in a standard resolution supported by many PC computer monitors.
see my post at:,129561.msg1325609.html#msg1325609
some people have had luck with CGA to VGA video convertors like the GBS-8200, I did not...but I don't know how many levels deep a clone my board was.
If you look at the image above you can see that I have something to convert to HDMI. I don't know if that will actually work with this. I needed that since I can't find a single monitor around my place that has anything else on it.
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