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How to protect your control panel on an arcade cabinet
Hi what is a good solution to protect your control panel from scratches. I see some people use plexiglass (which also seems to get scratches really fast), any other idea?
The plan is have the front of the arcade painted (basically a look in honor of the old pong machines, with wood on the side of the arcade). But I doubt the paint will keep up to long time use.
You want to have your control panel artwork printed with a polycarbonate lamination on top. This will have a matte finish which will keep fingerprints to a minimum. I used Lucian045 to print my artwork. He can be found in the retail vendors section - does great work.
There's a transparent laminate which has texture and is thicker than normal laminate. It's used to protect stickers such as those that are applied on the floor and need to resist a lot of damage (people steping on them, for instance). That material is really durable and will protect the surface of your control panel or the prints you apply to your control panel.
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