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GPIO Controller PCB for Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 in progress
Hello all,
Just thought I would share a project of mine- an open source PCB for two player controller support via the Raspberry Pi 2, 3, and 4 GPIO.
Once I complete it I will be posting the design files up on Github for anybody that wants to have some made, and would maybe toy with the idea of a limited run if there is interest.
These will support two players each with a joystick, up to six player buttons each, Start, Select/coin, and a Hotkey. It uses the already existing GPIO drivers that Batocera, Retropie, Recalbox, etc all support already.
My goal was an easy way to attach bare wires to the Raspberry Pi with commonly available 2.5mm spacing screw terminals for less fussing with connectors and crimping. All parts are through-hole so can easily be soldered in place by a novice. Will be nice to save some cash and not have to use a USB encoder for simple bartop arcade builds. I need at east three of these myself so figured I would post it up.
Designed with EasyEDA online PCB editor, no connection to them other than I just like to use the editor and people always ask.
This looks really good--thanks for posting! I'm now tinkering with micro-pi builds and was wondering about wiring up the controls--Are there gerber files on your github?
There will be when I'm done. Gonna have a few made to test first once I call it complete. Got a baby on the way so been spending most of my spare time on logistics for the little one.
I think after this I may make a couple backplane/breakout boards for the arduino based mickgyver Daemonbyte firmware using the arduino pro micro too.
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