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SEGA Master System
I probably shouldn’t post this, but despite what you may read about After Burner PCBs needing modifications, they are suitable for a 27C040 eprom with zero alterations.
So here’s a game none of us ever played but is worth playing. And you can jump off the stairs! A simple rom edit and checksum tweak has me going with infinite lives.
Nice work 🙂
--- Quote from: pbj on August 17, 2024, 01:57:45 pm ---The guide on Reddit and YouTube have you desoldering the mapper chip and bending out five pins. After I spent over an hour per cartridge desoldering that damned thing, I took a closer look at the pcb. 2 of the pins are floating, 2 have an easily cut trace, and 1 has a bigger trace that takes some effort but can be done. Far, far easier than removing and replacing that custom chip.
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The method we used to use in old C64 days when we needed to do something like that was to clip the leg of the chip with a fine-nosed set of clippers, right tight to the pcb. Then carefully bend up the leg and solder to that. No need to cut traces, and if done carefully, it can be reversed if necessary.
--- Quote from: danny_galaga on September 23, 2024, 03:16:10 am ---Nice work 🙂
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Yes, now go find me a box of weird PAL games. Thanks.
Isn't Brazil where it's at for weird and wonderful SMS stuff?
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