Arcade Collecting > Restorations & repair

Golden Tee Complete Hangs on Boot


I have a Golen Tee Complete that boots, finds HDD and all ok, goes to detect modem, speakers make a small pop sound and it hangs on the "Checking for modem ..."
- Red PCB Board Rev 9.2
- U15 V2.09
- G4C-US-U
- Monitor working fine
- Status LED 1 & 2 and IDE LED all bllnk as normal during boot until the hang.
- Once it hangs Status LED 1 Solid Green and Status LED 2 Blinking Green
- All Contacts and pins look nice and clean
- If i leave the Start button pushed down and power on I get Status 1 LED blinking 9 times then holds on the 10th blink then repeats but nothing on the screen

Any help appreciated.

did this ever work in your possession or is this a dead machine you have acquired and are attempting to fix? did you install some stuff off eBay and now it doesn't boot? did it work before and now it doesn't even though you haven't done anything?

does the board have a modem module installed on it? if so, pry it out. nobody has a way for that to connect anyway.

if no modem module... wait it out, it should eventually time out after a min or so.  if it doesn't continue, check the board around the large surface mounted chips for evidence of corrosion or spills. it's WAAY more common than you might think.

try and clean corrosion up with some 99% isopropyl alcohol and a soft bristle brush like a toothbrush) and if it's a sticky goo spill (such as from beer or soda ending up on there) use water and a bit of mild soap (dish soap) and toothbrush, follow it up with isopropyl to rinse and flush out any remnants.

as always allow it to dry thoroughly before trying it again.

if the board is clean and it still wont boot, pull the hard drive connections and boot it up with the start button held down... see if it will go into the test mode without it connected. if it now does, you have a hard drive issue.

Hey lilshawn,

I got this from am older couple divorcing. It stopped working 3 weeks before i picked it up. They had had it for years. Nothing extra added from ebay etc. I have taken the modem module off.

It never moves past the "Checking for modem ..." As soon as it hits the "Checking for modem ..." LED Status light 1 goes solid green and nothing else happens and it just sits on that screen.

I have a light magnification glass and and have been over the board and it all looks clean. It has always been kept in a air conditioned house. Monitor and Video card good. With or with out the HDD plugged in if i press down the start button and power on i just get a blank screen, noting comes up at all. Status LED 1 Blinks and holds on the 1oth blink then repeats


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