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Format a corrupt SD Card? Or not. It's done?


So, I've been trying to get my Raspberry Pi 3B+ Arcade machine together...  Had a question about SD cards. I was placing an image onto an SD card (using Win32DiskImager) and got a message:

"Writing to a physical device can corrupt the device. Are you sure you want to continue."

So, I had a question ... if the SD card isn't working (is probably corrupted), can I format the SD card and use it as normal (burning another image onto it). Or, is the SD card completely done and corrupted, and can't have any other images placed onto it?

sometimes windows for some reason will just.... NOT format an sd card for some reason. something goes sideways and it will just refuse to create or delete partitions.

in these cases i found that i can resort to the guys who made the whole sd card standard...

sdformatter has formatted quite a number of cards that widows just errors out trying to do anything with.

That def didn't work. Once formatted with that program ... now windows just says the entire SD card is corrupt.


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