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Roadblasters MAME Controls


Decided to put Roadblasters in my driving build and maps well to the buttons I select, and along with adding a bit of FFB centering spring tension from Boomslangz, is perfectly playable. The only point of confusion I have is the pedal. There is one analog pedal in the MAME controls which I assumed was throttle, but when the game started it acted as a brake and the car auto accelerated. I haven't been able to find any information on the original control mapping so I don't know what function the pedal has in the original machine, or if it is supposed to auto accelerate. And uf anyone has it working in MAME with a wheel and pedals, please let me know what you mapped. Thanks.


--- Quote from: Drakkorcia on May 04, 2024, 05:37:03 pm ---There is one analog pedal in the MAME controls which I assumed was throttle, but when the game started it acted as a brake and the car auto accelerated.

--- End quote ---
Yes, the pedal is for throttle.

Go into the MAME Analog Controls menu and change the pedal 1 reverse setting.



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