Software Support > GroovyMAME

CRT tv has vertical scroll only at288 resolution at 51hz.


One of my crts cannot play games like Pac-Man when switchres tries to use anythingx288 for resolution without having a scrolling sync problem. It’s only on my 20” tv. Is there a way I can force the resolution to use something else?  Or is there some other solution that would be better?  Thank you

Maybe you can use 280 lines and crop 4 lines up and down ?

Would increase the hz too.

Or as it seems you have several screens, why not rotating the TV and use the native resolution for vertical games?

Thank you for the reply. When you say to crop some of the lines, are you referring to changing crt emu driver settings?  I was playing around with the monitor defaults but I’m afraid of breaking things. Any advice on how to properly do so will be appreciated.

And yes if I turn it side ways it works perfectly except this tv is in a fixed arcade cabinet running multiple duties to play various landscape and portrait games. Donkey kong for example works fine. It’s only resolutions like Pac-Man that cause me an issue on that specific tv.


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