Arcade Collecting > Merit/JVL Touchscreen
JVL Echo Not Booting Up
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knows if there is actual support/service for the JVL echo touchscreen from the company or any authorized service centers. All I see are owners requesting help on fixing the units themselves and no information on service centers. The company's website only offers email support which they do not answer at all. Very disappointing and unacceptable for a company that sells expensive products. Only the fan comes on my unit and the screen briefly flashes a no sign message that disappears after a few seconds. Hardly use the unit as I bought it for my man cave, so I am disappointed its malfunctioning under light use. There is a counter inside the back of the unit that reads 30 so I am guessing that's the total number of hours it has been used. Any help/suggestions will be much appreciated. Thank you.
You can contact JVL canada directly but i think the only support they still help with is software install discs. I could be wrong though. Shoot them an email, it should be on their website.
Hey mahkeymike, sorry about the extremely late reply and thank you for your prompt response. I am new to the forum and thought that if I a got a response I would get an email notification so I never came back to the site to check on responses. I actually tried emailing the company a few times and never got a response unfortunately. They completely ignored all my emails and it's really disappointing. I found some suggestions and will try them such as replacing the battery etc. If it doesn't work, I will try finding a local repair shop. Thanks again for your response.
the reason everybody just posts everywhere about fixing touch machines is that the JVL company has basically abandoned the videogame market and chooses to focus on casino gaming. short of cursory access to a manual or CD, there is basically no support left except for private 3rd party companies.
if you need repairs that are out of the scope of your abilities, you can make a post here explaining what you got, what it's doing (or not doing) and i'm sure someone here can sort you out. (i have not checked your history to see if you've posted previously about it or not... just mentioning it for the sake of inclusion)
if you've exhausted what you can find, I suggest people contact some of the amusement game operators (jukboxes pooltables etc) or videogame repair companies (xbox playstation repairs etc) in your area and see if anyone might be familiar with the machine enough that can help you with your issue. lots of companies will repair stuff for you... for a fee of course.
That said, the main companies ignoring your e-mails is an all too common issue. I, myself, am a technician for an amusement company (several in fact) for the last 16 years, and the amount of e-mails going to dead e-mails/no response is huge...not to mention the replies I DO get are only about 50% of the time actually helpful and the other 50% of the time responses containing the likes of "unfortunately" and "unable". Even phone calls often end up with leaving messages on a voicemail that fall on deaf ears. I mean, it's not like i'm some random joe schmoe off the street... i'm a company... using your product .... contacting you, potentially with an issue.
Appreciate your response lilshawn and for confirming what I had suspected. It's a shame these companies wouldn't at least make an announcement of their shift and offer some sort of temporary/limited support. I love having a touch screen game on my bar in my mancave as it adds to the ambiance, atmosphere and fun. But the most frustrating part is, even though I had the unit for about 10 years, it was not used a lot and should not have failed in my opinion, but things happen. If it will cost an arm and a leg to fix, I would rather get another one but don't know which ones are still in production and if the issues/support is the same with all the companies.
The issue I am currently having with the JVL is it will not boot up. When I put it on the fans will come on and a brief message is flashed on the screen saying no input and then it disappears after about 10 seconds. The fans stay on, but the screen is blank, and the lights stay off. I changed the cmos battery as someone suggested but that did not work. I opened it up to take a look but have no idea what to check or how to. It could be the motherboard and upon searching for the motherboard it is obviously discontinued. I will certainly take your advice and look for a local repair shop to see if they can assist. Again, appreciate all the responses. You guys are awesome.
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