Software Support > GroovyMAME
Cruis'n USA runs too fast
I'm having issues with Groovymame and Cruis'n USA. It runs at around 150% speed on my Groovymame setup.
The game has a resolution of 512x400 at 57.2hz. It is the only game of the 10 or so games I tested that switchres seems to have trouble with. I'm using GM .261 with default install. CPU is 8700k.
I found a fix by disabling modeline_generation in mame.ini but I wonder if other folks have that same issue.
Here is the info I get at command line:
--- Code: ---c:\arcade\mame>groovymame.exe crusnusa
Switchres: Calculating best video mode for 512x451@57.349014 orientation: normal
Switchres: Modeline "2560x464_60i 15.684955KHz 57.349014Hz" 54.175835 2560 2777 3021 3454 464 487 493 547 interlace -hsync -vsync
a-19993.u38 ROM NEEDS REDUMP
a-19670.u43 ROM NEEDS REDUMP
a-19668.u52 ROM NEEDS REDUMP
a-19671.u54 ROM NEEDS REDUMP
a-19673.u111 ROM NEEDS REDUMP
a-19672.u114 NOT FOUND (NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN) (tried in crusnusa)
c31boot.bin ROM NEEDS REDUMP
WARNING: the machine might not run correctly.
Switchres: Calculating best video mode for 512x400@57.349014 orientation: normal
Switchres: Modeline "2560x512_58i 15.857002KHz 57.349014Hz" 54.976227 2560 2780 3027 3467 512 515 521 553 interlace -hsync -vsync
Average speed: 146.46% (63 seconds)
--- End code ---
Thanks for your reply, but I'm not sure that's the same problem.
1. Regular mame does not have the problem
2. When disabling modeline_generation it works at the correct speed
It seems to be a bug in switchres picking a wrong mode line for the game
Have you tried forcing 512x400@57.349016 Hz 31kHz I'm a swirchres ini override file?
This should be fixed on 0.265, please confirm.
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