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Its there a way to use touchtunes hardware with windows?

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--- Quote from: Mike A on March 20, 2024, 04:18:58 pm ---If you think it is stolen, you should not buy it.

--- End quote ---
Well someone is gonna buy it, so I don't think me not buying it would make any difference, like I said I wouldn't mind connecting it to the internet and had the real owner pick it up, since ill have proof of the guy who sold it to me, so no biggie, then if no one shows up or claims it, ill just have a nice cab with some parts to sell.


--- Quote from: abispac on March 20, 2024, 04:26:08 pm ---I wouldn't mind connecting it to the internet and had the real owner pick it up, since ill have proof of the guy who sold it to me

--- End quote ---

uhmm... i don't think thats how that works. Possession of stolen property is a charge that results from having property knowingly obtained through crime in your control. It is not relevant whether you were the one who stole the property, but simply whether it is in your possession and you knew it was stolen.

I mean, it's your money, you can do what you like. 300 bucks is not a going rate for a jukebox like that, and i'm sure someone is going to jail over it.

I would certainly pay 300 bucks to find out my juke was being sold on me.

Mike A:
He is going to buy it.

Everything he does is shady.


you win some, you lose some. sometimes you lose more than you bargained for.


--- Quote from: Mike A on March 20, 2024, 04:43:37 pm ---He is going to buy it.

Everything he does is shady.

--- End quote ---


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