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QMamehook - The Cross-platform MAMEHOOKER-compatible alternative for PCLightguns

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Hey all! I just pushed a small update - which namely adds properly creating blank gameName.inis if none is detected, and will push any new detected input channels to the config file's [Output] group if not registered (with a blank value obvi, for the user to input in as they please afterwards). It also offers a verbose output switch (-v) which will print whatever QMamehook's receiving from whatever app is sending its output--could be potentially helpful methinks. The OP has been updated accordingly to reflect this.

got it work  :applaud: with this arduino code  :applaud:

void setup() {
pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  while (Serial.available() > 0) {       
    byte serialQueue = 0b00000000;   
    int pin = Serial.parseInt();
    int value = Serial.parseInt();
  if ( == 'x') {
    digitalWrite(pin, value);
mamehooker have some feature like keystroke and waiting command , do you thing you 'll add this ?

Oh look, another update. This one fixes/now handles comma reading, streamlines how state changes are handled and is generally more robust against whitespace and illogical combinations (like state breaks inside of lines already containing command breaks). Believe this should make QMamehook handle just about any combination of commands and breaks you throw at it.

--- Quote from: bandicoot on February 27, 2024, 04:40:11 am ---got it work  :applaud: with this arduino code  :applaud:

void setup() {
pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  while (Serial.available() > 0) {       
    byte serialQueue = 0b00000000;   
    int pin = Serial.parseInt();
    int value = Serial.parseInt();
  if ( == 'x') {
    digitalWrite(pin, value);
--- End quote ---
Not sure what this is for? Lol.

--- Quote ---mamehooker have some feature like keystroke and waiting command , do you thing you 'll add this ?
--- End quote ---
Can't really say I have any idea what those are either, tbh.

i'm curious to test your alternative , cause with mamehooker and two positionnal gun , when i shoot at the same time  it's seem lost sometime,
the part of code you see is not complete , but with this i can manage Qmamehook and my solenoid , there's not joystick code  in this example ^^ but it's just for me to test recoil on solenoid ;)


--- Quote from: bandicoot on February 27, 2024, 01:22:46 pm ---i'm curious to test your alternative , cause with mamehooker and two positionnal gun , when i shoot at the same time  it's seem lost sometime,
the part of code you see is not complete , but with this i can manage Qmamehook and my solenoid , there's not joystick code  in this example ^^ but it's just for me to test recoil on solenoid ;)

--- End quote ---
I see! Gotcha, gotcha.
I looked a bit into KeyStates but unfortunately, that might be something a bit out of scope for what I want this to be. Main limiting factor is that it would necessitate making QMamehook into essentially a keylogger - and on Linux with the coming Wayland transition going on in particular, that would be a bloody nightmare to maintain. Also, since this is purely a CLI app/daemon with no GUI atm, there's no immediately obvious QT libraries I could use to facilitate this.
I'm sure if someone else wanted to expand this app in, say, a personal fork or a frontend going over QMamehook, perhaps exposing and making use of Global Hotkeys (which, again, Wayland) and making it more MAMEHOOKER-like, it probably could be done? But since it's not in my personal field of interest, I don't have the same motivation to work on a feature I wouldn't use. But PRs or forks are certainly welcome.
Again, in theory, LEDWiz support wouldn't be impossible? But I don't have such a thing atm to test, and I certainly don't trust myself coding something up blindly for something that I can't physically test on.  :laugh:


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