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HTTPS mode

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Please visit the site using https:// instead of http:// and let me know if anything's broken.


--- saint


--- Quote from: saint on January 21, 2024, 03:01:35 pm ---Please visit the site using https:// instead of http:// and let me know if anything's broken.

--- End quote ---
There are some parts of this thread page that are not yet secure -- probably either your profile image, the icons, or other images on the page are linking to an http server.
- I get the same "not secure" indication when I check your profile page and a new user's profile page.
[EDIT: Avatars are currently being pulled from the http server even though they are already available on the https server.  The images in my sig are coming from the http wiki server.]

PM sent to test if that system is working.
- The PM sending page shows not secure.
[EDIT: Awaiting reply/confirmation that PMs are working and secure.]

Email sent via your profile link to test if that system is working.
- The email sending page shows secure.
[EDIT: Email reply received so that system looks good.]

Wiki link at top of forum pages points to which redirects to and shows the front page instead of the wiki.
- Wiki still available on http, but pages 404 when you try the URL with https.
[EDIT: Wiki is working in https.  Link at top of forum pages is https, but now it redirects to the non-secure]

File Repository link at top of forum pages points to which redirects to and shows the front page instead of the file repository.
- File repository still available on http, but pages 404 when you try the URL with https.
[EDIT: Only File Repository things left to fix are the two links mentioned in reply #9.]

Front page (
- "Submit news" button link (top left) is still http.
- "Msg Boards" button link (left) is still http.
- "Chat Room" button link (left) is still http and returns a 404 message.
- "Wiki" button link (left) is still http and link does not work because it points to "newwiki" instead of "wiki" or "oldwiki".


Thanks, will put on the fix list :)


--- Quote from: saint on January 21, 2024, 03:01:35 pm ---Please visit the site using https:// instead of http:// and let me know if anything's broken.

--- End quote ---
Several more things to add to the fix list:

Index page -
- Under the "File Repository" forum link, the text "Discussion about the File Repository" links to the non-secure File Repository page.  Changing the URL to https redirects to the front page as mentioned earlier.
[EDIT: Redirection fixed.  Link still needs changed to https as mentioned below in reply #9]
- Under the "controls.dat" forum link, the text "controls.dat and related projects" links to the non-secure page.  Changing the URL to https redirects to the front page.
[EDIT: Redirection and link fixed.]
- Under the "Moderator's Forum" link, the text "Please see Moderator's Guidelines." links to the non-secure page.  Secure page is good.
[EDIT: Link fixed.]
Controls.dat forum -,45.0.html
- Above the page numbers, the text "controls.dat and related projects" links to the non-secure page.  Changing the URL to https redirects to the front page.
[EDIT: Redirection and link fixed.]
Moderator's forum
- Above the page numbers, the text "Please see Moderator's Guidelines." links to the non-secure page.  Secure page is good.
[EDIT: Link fixed.]


It seems like, at least for me, the Dragon King website only works when not using https.
that works
that doesn't

The problem is Google or Chrome is sometimes trying to force the https so it seems like the site doesn't work.


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