Arcade Collecting > Restorations & repair

Tron.. went black


Wow, its been more than a decade since i last posted and visited here.. where did the time go!  With that I have had many years of flawless Tron gameplay until now, the monitor has gone completely black. it started at the top half of the screen and eventually the whole display.

im looking for help on a starting point,, is this as simple as a cap kit?  about 10 years ago i upgraded all the other components , like Power supply(photo), ribbon cables etc. but never did a cap kit, not the best with solder...

-the game starts, plays in background, sounds and functions completely normal
-on average it is on 8-10 hours 6 days a week.( in my friends pizza place) for atleast 3 years now roughly.
-i dont see any glow in the neck tube, checked the neck board thinking it was loose but still no glow
- appearance of corrosion or more like metal shavings magnetized to a coil on the chassis board(photo)
-had to order a new multimeter so havent checked any voltages yet,  aside from fuses im not sure yet what other places to check voltages.

now that its back home i want to  restore it and keep it in my personal collection. (again) lol

thanks for any help on where to start and im going to explore the forum to see what ive been missing

G07 Monitor... if you never did the rebuild then it might have blown the flyback and the main fuse.  Not a huge deal or a bunch of money but you will need to pull the chassis for repair.  Be careful with the chassis because when it blows the caps can hold a big charge.   To be safe short BOTH sides of the large and small fuse to be safe.   At last check a flyback is about 30 bucks but do the recap at the same time.


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