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Rowe CD-51...Album Play


Hi all,

I've had a Rowe CD-51 for three years or so and recently I had to do a factory reset.  This worked fine and I re-initialized all the discs.

I put it into Free Play mode, which I think was different from before.  However, I can only play single tracks but not whole albums.

I have read the manual and found the section that mentions 'Free Album' (6992)....BUT, no matter how many times I've tried, I cannot get to that menu option.
I can only get as far as 69 (Service Mode - Options - More Options 1), but not More Options 2.

Can anyone help with what I'm doing wrong?

your CCC version might be newer or older than what is specified in your manual, they may have moved the options around. (or not added options yet throwing off the # you have to press to get to it.)

if you press 69 then press reset+1 (in fact if you just press reset+1 from any menu including the top menu) it will scroll down the list and you can see what the options are in that menu in the line display.

you may have to write out your own optiona tree for your CCC rom version to find what you are looking for.


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