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New release Atari 800XL

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Would these count as a console??

Anyone else kind of excited for this release?

I've still got an atari 800xl set up in the game room, I use a multi cart with it, but damn, it's is TOUGH converting the old signal to modern TVs, If I recall correctly I have at least one but likely two converters and the picture still looks like crap. I gotta admit getting a virtual pinball table has re-energized the gaming sessions, with the kids leaning towards the snes and the N64, but I think I can sucker some of them into some old skool atari if the picture output is pristine. Not sure when these are actually going to see the market, but hey nostalgia is nostalgia so I thought it might be worth a post. Oh and for anyone who MAY have been an 8-bit kid....this book looks fantastic (and just in time for Christmas)

I don't work for either company, just a fan-level post. Cheers!!

I don't know much about the Atari 800 , but I love there are these retro releases. Not in the same league, but I bought a mini C64 recently. Here it is attached to a mini monitor 🙂

Hmmmm, can't attach. I'll try again later.


--- Quote from: danny_galaga on October 04, 2023, 08:29:04 pm ---I don't know much about the Atari 800 , but I love there are these retro releases. Not in the same league, but I bought a mini C64 recently. Here it is attached to a mini monitor 🙂

Hmmmm, can't attach. I'll try again later.

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Hey Danny!

In our day, there was a split between the Commodore kids and the Atari kids. Each would make fun of the other, but in retrospect, we were both missing out on games that were only on one platform or another. I've sort of avoided the retro releases for the most part, but this one seems like a legit piece of hardware. "Atari" is re-releasing the 2600 I believe shortly, so I hope that doesn't interfere with this...Atariage has yanked down all their roms, so that doesn't bode well. It always goes south when someone wants to make a buck.

In highschool we had Apple lle's . I wasn't really aware of any rivalry. I didnt know enough people with computers. A few had vic20's, one or two  C64 's and one of my richer friends had an Apple lle. An Apple was worth more than the car my dad was driving. We was po'...


--- Quote from: danny_galaga on October 06, 2023, 09:02:46 am ---In highschool we had Apple lle's . I wasn't really aware of any rivalry. I didnt know enough people with computers. A few had vic20's, one or two  C64 's and one of my richer friends had an Apple lle. An Apple was worth more than the car my dad was driving. We was po'...

--- End quote ---

I didn't know anyone with an apple, I knew OF the apple, but yeah I think it was $$. I remember the atari store guy (who had first sold us all our 2600 stuff, then expanded into the computers) telling us how many of the games on the apple were on the Atari, and I believe we went home with caverns of mars and castle wolfenstein (which I played until my eyes bled). School wise, There was a huge pirate ring where some guys had an archiver chip, and other guys had a 'happy' chip. I knew one of each, from 2 different schools, so my grift was doing the legwork and getting games from each, and trading them off for new games, so without a pirate setup, I was the guy with ALL the games, yet I never actually cracked any of them myself. Even the local atari users group who was mainly old men, had a 'secret' list of pirated games, I mean EVERYONE pirated games, which was why EVERY game had copy protection. This was 82-85ish, when I really discovered girls....I missed all of the NES and the SNES and didn't jump back into gaming until PC games were coming along (LHX and wolfenstein 3d come to mind). It really was a special time. The vic 20 was never a thing at all around here, which I think is why a lot of people never went to the C64 (the vic games were terrible). In hindsight I've really gotten an appreciation for the C64, I'd like to dig into games on it some day that weren't available on the atari.


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