Main > Lightguns

Some Oddball lightgun questions(Dolphinbar/TopShot/Wiimote/etc)...


Hey, everyone. Working to set up light guns on my arcade cab(running Windows 10). I've got some issues I need addressed before moving forward.

I have everything I need to make a Wiimote lightgun setup work: A Mayflash Dolphinbar, Wiimotes, and a Wiimote gun shell, and I've gotten it working, but things are... less than perfect. I'm on the shorter end of the range Wiimotes like, causing stuttering of the crosshair when I have to aim near the edge of the screen, and I can't add any distance so I know my options for working within what I have may be limited, but I'm well aware there may be some tricks in play I don't know about. So I am accepting any general advice to possibly help make this work better(aside from the obvious issue of distance seeing as I already mentioned that) in addition to the specific stuff I'm inquiring about below.

1) Is there a way to get a Wiimote to work more like an air mouse than a Wiimote? So that the sensor bar isn't part of the equation?

2) I happen to have an XBox360 version of the Cabela's Top Shot Elite lightgun, and a wireless PC adapter for 360 controllers. I know this gun can be synced to a PC using this adapter, but I don't have the IR sensor bar specific to this gun. I am wondering it there's ANY chance it will work with the Mayflash Dolphinbar - it'd be nice to see if this thing might work a little better than the Wiimote(I doubt it will overcome the distance issue, but I want to cover all bases). There is, not too surprisingly, little information on this specific combination of things. I know that, IN THEORY, it should work as the gun should only need an IR light source to work, but I don't know if there are any other steps or components involved that could be an issue.

I know all about Aimtracks, Gun4IR, and Sinden, but those are expensive, and I have potential solutions in my possession already. I'd like to exhaust all options from them before resorting to such things.

Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

EDIT: I accidentally left out something that may cause some confusion. The obvious response to question #2 is "why don't you just try them and find out?" The answer is I don't know if the adapter or the gun still work. I can't get it to sync. I think the adapter is just dead, as I had some issues with it in the ancient past, so I could always track down another to try, but what would be the point if there was zero chance of it working?

Just a couple quick thoughts about your questions.

1) You can make the Wiimote work like an Air Mouse but you will probably need the Wiimote Plus addon attachment which adds a gyroscope sensor. There use to be a lot of scripts around that could do it on Windows. You can try searching for Wiimote and GlovePIE. But if you are thinking the Wiimote Air Mouse will be like pointing a lightgun at the screen then no it will be nothing like that at all. There will just be a lot of waving around and moving the cursor around. You will probably be less frustrated using an actual mouse to play the lightgun games.

2) The Xbox 360 wireless PC adapter may only really support the Xbox 360 gamepad controllers, I don't know if they would support other accessories like a lightgun. This may be why you are having trouble syncing them together. Maybe you could search for info relating to that or maybe someone else can comment about what the adapter supports.


--- Quote from: greymatr on September 06, 2023, 10:17:50 am ---Just a couple quick thoughts about your questions.

1) You can make the Wiimote work like an Air Mouse but you will probably need the Wiimote Plus addon attachment which adds a gyroscope sensor. There use to be a lot of scripts around that could do it on Windows. You can try searching for Wiimote and GlovePIE. But if you are thinking the Wiimote Air Mouse will be like pointing a lightgun at the screen then no it will be nothing like that at all. There will just be a lot of waving around and moving the cursor around. You will probably be less frustrated using an actual mouse to play the lightgun games.

2) The Xbox 360 wireless PC adapter may only really support the Xbox 360 gamepad controllers, I don't know if they would support other accessories like a lightgun. This may be why you are having trouble syncing them together. Maybe you could search for info relating to that or maybe someone else can comment about what the adapter supports.

--- End quote ---

Sorry for delay in replying - got really busy out of nowhere for a bit. Life sucks sometimes.

1) I had a feeling that might be the case given my past experiences with air mice, though using a real mouse isn't exactly the most functional solution on an actual arcade cab. :P

2) The one thing I've been able to determine with certainty about that controller is that it SHOULD sync to the wireless adapter and at the very least have its controller buttons work properly(it has a full set of 360 buttons and even one of the analog sticks), so I know either the controller or adapter is having some kind of problem. I have, since posting, discovered a friend of mine has an adapter that he knows still works, and at some point in the next few days he's gonna bring it by to try. We'll see how it works from there. From what I've found I'll likely need a program like Demulshooter to get it working if it does connect, though no mention of the Cabela's guns are mentioned in anything relating to it.


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