So here's another console I needed as much as I needed another finishing nail in my brain.
It showed up on my radar because it was part of a lot that included a CIB copy of Space Harrier 3D. I am slowly trying to accumulate all the 3D games CIB, and Space Harrier is one of the more expensive ones. "Surely this won't go for the opening bid" I confidently thought at 3am when I was doing my usual make bad decisions on eBay routine.
Well, turns out there's no interest in a dead Game Gear these days, so here we go.

At this point I've already cracked it open and scrubbed a bunch of battery acid debris out of it. That improved it from turning on and shutting off almost abruptly to staying on even if I mess with the brightness knob. It's still not booting anything but there's some hope.
And as much as it pains me to say it, apparently the solution is our friend:

I didn't own a Game Gear as a kid but there's actually some interesting stuff on it. I briefly owned one in college... back when eBay first started and I went through one of those "let's get all the 90s consoles I missed!" phases. I still maintain the Atari Jaguar is the biggest piece of ---steaming pile of meadow muffin--- I have ever owned. Anyway, I had a roommate that would ---fudgesicle--- anything, and when he wasn't getting his dick wet, he was jerking off promptly 10 minutes after the lights went out. It was like clockwork. I used to grip that poor Game Gear and pray for death as my upper bunk swayed back and forth. He's got his own set of stories about me, maybe he's sharing them on a dead forum somewhere.
Anyway, that Game Gear made it through a couple of BYOAC hands over the years apparently and has been lost to the sands of time.
The cap kit is in the mail. Stay tuned.