Unfortunately we over here in Australia had some very ordinary coin doors attached to our cabinets. Below are some examples. If I want anything from overseas, it costs $300 plus exorbitant shipping due to the weight... Not sure I want the coin door to be the most expensive part of the build. I was going to build a different machine every few months until I had all the ones I wanted. I thought a clear colour (matched to the game) tinted window showing inside each machine with the PCB etc. lit up would at least display original architecture (not a raspberry pi). I would prefer a coin door but my options are limited.
I'm Aussie too so I know exactly what you mean. Just look at some of the cabs in my sig, where many of the coin mechs are completely gone and replaced a "admin" panel, complete with credit & pause buttons and volume control. More useful for a "MAME" cab.
But, coin door better for a repro. A much cheaper option might be to literally print a coin door on. High quality graphics are available (somewhere), and many people have done it before on this forum (search). You can install a credit button in the appropriate place as well.
If you want to show off the innards of your cab, you can just open the front door.... oh, looks like you don't have one

Practically speaking, if you don't have any kind of door on the front, at all, then it will make accessing your cab harder. Like, how will you get your hand inside, to unlatch the control panel, to service it? Reach up, from the back, around the CRT neck and anode cap? Not very convenient.
In those last pics of your, those Aussie lowboys (LAI, front and centre), you can clearly see those "foot" I was talking about earlier.
Sorry if I sound discouraging, trying to be constructive

Great work so far. Having see your earlier work with the jukebox, I just want this build to be as good.