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Fretsaw project gallery: 'Wacky Races: Dick Dastardly & Muttley' added

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Since the fretsaw projects I have posted so far are a raving success ::), I give you now a gallery of all projects I have done so far.
All of these were done with a fretsaw and a ryoba, except for the Star Wars diorama, for which I also used a jigsaw to saw out one piece of wood.

Tools used


25cm x 35,5cm, 3mm thick, mix between sawing (outline) and painting (face)

"Swedish Chef"

19,8cm x 22cm, 4mm thick


10,5xm x 19cm, 4mm thick

"Cat & tree"

22,6cm x 20cm, 4mm thick

"Something fishy"

22,5cm x 15,5cm, 3mm thick


43cm x 27,6cm (including the frame), Leo is made of 3 layers, 2 are 4mm thick, the head is 8mm thick,
the backer board is 12mm thick, mix between sawing (Leo) and painting (dots)


20cm x 28cm, backer board 12mm, Hulk 4mm thick


46,5cm x 37cm, backer board 8mm, Spidey 3mm thick
Every single part of this has been sawn out by hand, sanded, painted and glued to the backer board.
This took 3 weeks to make.

"Frankenstein's creature"

28,5cm x 35,5cm, backer board 12mm, creature 8mm thick

"Peaky blinders"

30cm x 35cm, backer layer 1 5mm, backer layer 2 4mm, character 3mm thick

"Rainy day"

29,5cm x 31cm x 6mm, characters 2 layers of 6mm each

"Laurel & Hardy"

36,5cm x 29,5cm, backer board 8mm, Laurel & Hardy 8mm thick

"Peanuts Star Wars diorama"

51,5cm x 22,5cm x 30cm, 18 mm thick
Snoopy & Woodstock several layers, 3mm - 5mm thick


44,5cm x 62cm, backer board 7mm, Boba 4mm thick

"Laurel & Hardy: On fire"

40,5cm x 27cm, backer board 6mm, Laurel & Hardy 6mm thick

"Felix the cat"

Roughly 8,5cm x 13,5cm, backer board 3mm, Felix layer 6mm, Felix parts 3mm.


Another fun scrapwood project. Roughly 21,5cm x 7,5cm, backer board 6mm, Donald black layer 6mm, Donald 4mm.

Donald meets Felix.

"Contemplating life"

30cm x 20.5cm, backer board 4mm, Donald black layer 3mm, Donald 6mm.

"Elephants & bears in rocking chairs"

Roughly 14cm x 15cm x 18mm


27cm x 36.5cm, backer board 6mm, Viking 4mm


26cm x 21,5 cm, backer board 4mm, owl 3mm.

"Meeting Bruce"

27,5 x 17cm, Bruce/water 2cm, surfboard 3mm, surfer 8mm.

"Lt. Frank Drebin"

41,5 x 41cm, backer board 8mm, Frank 4mm.

"Laurel & Hardy: Shhh"

34,5 x 25,5cm, backer board 6mm, Laurel & Hardy 6mm.

"The little mole"

ca. 18 x 12cm, backer board 3mm, mole/car 3mm


33 x 49,6cm, backer board 6mm, Michael 3mm

"Coffee ?"

28,8 x 21,2cm, backer board 8mm, owl 3mm


60 x 85cm, backer board 6mm, Batman 4mm.

"The Inspector"

21 x 14,5cm, backer board 4mm, inspector 4mm

"Norman Bates"

30,5 x 41,5cm, backer board 4mm, Norman 4mm


35 x 47 cm, backer board 4mm, Gina 4mm


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