Arcade Collecting > Pinball
Pinball LEDs have gotten better
Chopper, the LEDs seemed to be the usual LED with an inline resistor design we've seen before. I didn't crack open any of them to see if they're more complicated. I've got a couple uninstalled, I'll try to pry it apart and take a deeper look.
I know exactly the strobing effect you're talking about. The first machine (No Fear) I saw converted to LED about a decade ago gave me a headache from the flickering. I will be honest and admit that I started seeing the faint strobing in World Cup Soccer feature lights around the time I had the string over to ~60% LED (I did them one by one with the machine on). I don't really notice it until a bunch of them are lit, and that only happens in attract mode. It's livable for me.
No issues with the general illumination, but WCS 94 is known to be a machine that doesn't have problems with LED.
The lights look fine in my EM. I actually took a paint marker to some of the lights and it did a great job of giving me that red tint I liked.
I haven't fully converted Alien Poker and Firepower, but what's been switched over looks good so far.
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