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Get an error message every time I try to upload an avatar

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--- Quote from: jimj on January 08, 2022, 11:22:23 pm ---Thanks!  Of course I wanted orange, the same as my K.C. Munchkin jack-o-lantern.  :)

--- End quote ---
Glad to assist.   ;D

I went with orange because of your earlier Space Invader avatar.

Is it the right shade of orange?
- If so, that was a really lucky guess.   :lol
- If not, please feel free to pick a preferable pantone shade or other image that I can sample from.

--- Quote from: jimj on January 08, 2022, 11:22:23 pm ---I took the updated image you created, downloaded it and then tried to upload it to my profile and got the same error.  It would appear I'm unable to upload any images to the forum.  However, I was able to use the image you modified by referencing it via its URL.

--- End quote ---
That's wierd. 

I've been hit with false positive security checks before but not on this image.   :dunno
- The MD5 hash for the file I uploaded is 296EAC400E7FD3C5187EAD02E1928DBB.
- If the file you tried to upload matches that hash, you shouldn't get a false positive AFAIK.

Checked your e-mail, hostname, and the IPs you've posted from and they all come back clean so we can probably eliminate them as possible causes for the false positives.

Any chance you've got some virus/malware activity on your system?



--- Quote from: PL1 on January 09, 2022, 01:10:02 am ---I went with orange because of your earlier Space Invader avatar.

Is it the right shade of orange?
I've been hit with false positive security checks before but not on this image.   :dunno
- The MD5 hash for the file I uploaded is 296EAC400E7FD3C5187EAD02E1928DBB.
- If the file you tried to upload matches that hash, you shouldn't get a false positive AFAIK.

Checked your e-mail, hostname, and the IPs you've posted from and they all come back clean so we can probably eliminate them as possible causes for the false positives.

Any chance you've got some virus/malware activity on your system?


--- End quote ---

That's funny.  The shade of orange you picked works for me (my jack-o-lantern avatar isn't a single shade of orange).

I double checked the MD5 of the image I tried uploading, it matches yours.

Regarding malware, I don't have any unless you consider Linux a virus.  :)  My desktop computer is running CentOS Linux 7.9.2009.  I've tried using Firefox 91.4.0esr and Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71, they both give the same error.  So maybe this forum software is somehow detecting my OS and rejecting me because of that?

What a weird issue, thanks for helping.


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