Front End Support > MaLa Frontend
MALA Mame roms missing
Im quite new with this , I am setting up Mala to work with Groovymame 0.236 .
With generating the Games list i had to apply the fix posted on this forum , to make the games appear.
The list is generating 19000 games , However if i scroll & search my favorites Tekken Mortal Kombat they dont appear in the list.
How can i fix this ?
Ropi Jo:
I'm as much a noob as you, but as no experts have chimed in I'll ask a Q...
What happens if you try the game in mame directly.... not through mala?
Well since im not totally a noob with Mame i can tell you it works .
WIth the official mame exe the romset with clones needed to be included in the zip of the main game to be recognized by mame
I had a romset from 0.216 which had the clones zipped individually , when i moved that over to offiial mame the clones were not recognized.
So i needed to download the whole set again.
I believe only the offical mame works with Groovymame since i use a Crt.
But think i will move to another FE, to explore a little bit
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