Main > Forum/Website Discussion

Re: Why must slightly OT messages be moved so quic

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The Main Board is for "for the discussion of building genuine arcade controls for use with personal computers." Not for posting new websites, or any thing else. The other boards were created to allow off topic posting. The topic is "BUILD YOUR OWN ARCADE CONTROLS".  

I plan to suggest some addtional boards to Saint when he comes back from vacation. At that time even more post will be moved to their new loacations.

As I write this there are almost 500 topics and 3000 posts in the "Main" forum, making it very hard to find what you are looking for.  About 50% of what is in the other areas was moved there by us. The reason is that people are to lazy to post correctly, or to read the description before posting.  


--- Quote ---The Main Board is for "for the discussion of building genuine arcade controls for use with personal computers." Not for posting new websites, or any thing else. The other boards were created to allow off topic posting. The topic is "BUILD YOUR OWN ARCADE CONTROLS".
--- End quote ---


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