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Ford Racing Full blown network setup, can someone share their ini file?



I'm struggling with getting this networked. It plays single cab fine but when ever the second can connects the first crashes. From what I gather you only need to change cabinetPostion value in gamesettings.ini however  I've done this and no joy. I've seen some ini files for this game have network setup info in the ini and some don't. Any known working inis would be appreciated.


I never had any interest in this one, but it's a Europa-R setup like Sega Rally 3 and Grid Arcade, isn't it? Probably more like SR3. That means setting network enabled and network position in shelldata.ini - at least for Grid that's where the setting is. I seem to remember setting IP's somewhere as well, though when i set up Grid last week i cant remember doing that. I must have, though. I'll check when i get home tonight.

What does the TP compatibility github say in terms of instructions, subnets, etc?

TP just says set cabinet ID but that does not work at least for me. From what I've found out most multi player users have Game Loader RH set for Ford racing. I had a quick look at it but it's a little more complicated than TP and haven't had time to revisit.

I was never a fan of FR until I used the voodoo glide to get it to render at 1080p. After that it looks so much better so more interested in getting it running now.

I'm sorry dude, there's nothing in my SR3 or Grid config files - those are the other Sega Europa-R cabinet games on Tekonparrot. Those two titles network flawlessly for me.

All i have to do is open shelldata.ini, set network assignment to 2 for the second cab, and make sure network enable is set to 1. And of course make sure the cabs are sequential fixed IP's not DHCP on a known good IP (192.168.0.x) as per the compatibility guide. (TBH i'm on 192.168.1.x but hey).
Then i just open the game with TP1.41 on both cabs, and it runs and networks fine. (having opened it once and allowed through the firewall).


--- Quote from: buttersoft on February 26, 2021, 05:59:49 am ---I'm sorry dude, there's nothing in my SR3 or Grid config files - those are the other Sega Europa-R cabinet games on Tekonparrot. Those two titles network flawlessly for me.

All i have to do is open shelldata.ini, set network assignment to 2 for the second cab, and make sure network enable is set to 1. And of course make sure the cabs are sequential fixed IP's not DHCP on a known good IP (192.168.0.x) as per the compatibility guide. (TBH i'm on 192.168.1.x but hey).
Then i just open the game with TP1.41 on both cabs, and it runs and networks fine. (having opened it once and allowed through the firewall).

--- End quote ---

Weird one. The menus on Ford Racing kind of sync up for me but the actual race creates separate instances.

EDIT: Actually, double check your IP if this is happening. One of my devices keeps registering 2 ipv4 IPs, which quickly mucks up LAN play.


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