Software Support > Automated Projects

Retropie Rotating Monitor Config

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DaOld Man:
Yes thats it, Thanks again PL1!!!


--- Quote from: DaOld Man on July 13, 2020, 01:08:40 pm ---Good work Kingcade.
I played around with using ES with retropie to automatically rotate the monitor.
I used the GPIO to interface RPi to the motor drive and rotation limit switches.
I cant find any reference to it here or in my backups (Maybe PL1 can help me.)
But if memory serves correctly, I think I did basically what you are doing, except my script re-wrote the ES config file based on game selected, and restarted ES after the game ended.
I cant verify that without some reference to go by though.

--- End quote ---

Thanks! Unfortunately my rotation mechanism is to clunky to automate it, but the manual rotation seems to work okay. I am a little nervous about the longevity of the CRT with all the rotation and de-gaussing. 21" CRTs are hard to come by these days.

I've spent the last couple of days diving down the rabbit hole of RGB video with the Raspberry Pi. There are scripts called and that are run before and after a game is started, and I'll be using them to set the HDMI timings for the monitor to correspond to the game resolution. Are those the scripts you used for your automated rotation?

I found sample versions of the scripts for setting the resolutions, but of course they don't account for rotating monitors. So, next step is to modify those and try them out. Hoping to get as close to native resolutions and scan lines as is possible with the Pi.

DaOld Man:

--- Quote from: Kingcade on July 13, 2020, 06:48:48 pm ---
I've spent the last couple of days diving down the rabbit hole of RGB video with the Raspberry Pi. There are scripts called and that are run before and after a game is started, and I'll be using them to set the HDMI timings for the monitor to correspond to the game resolution. Are those the scripts you used for your automated rotation?

--- End quote ---

Honestly, I cant remember, but that may have been the way I did it. Also, the monitor would turn back to horizontal after game was done playing, and ES would come back in horz. mode. I wish I could find the work I did on that. It would be a lot better if the ES screen turned vertical and horizontal too.

Just a quick update here - I switched my setup from using an HDMI output to an analog VGA666 output. I set HDMI_TIMINGS in my config.txt to run EmulationStation in 800x600 mode. This change caused my screen rotation script to have issues in vertical mode, where it was displayed in 800x600 vertically instead of 600x800.

To fix it required the following change to the code above:

--- Code: ---            rotate=”--screenrotate 1 --screensize 600 800”
--- End code ---


DaOld Man:
Cool. I just about have my MRotate5 project behind me, then I plan to concentrate on this. Im sure I made a image of the sd card for my project, will see if I can find it and dig out the RPi.


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