So after following the original guide, and much fiddling around, I managed to get a working install of
64bit Raspbian Lite 12 Bookworm, MAME 0265, Hypseus 2.11.2, and the latest Attract-Mode Plus 3.0.8 frontend.I decided to share this image here to show some love to this project, not to step on the OP's toes in anyway!
I will gladly remove the link if this is problematic!
No copyrighted material is included!rpi4b.raspios12.mame-0265.AMP.base.clean.tar.xzDownload Here
I have all the same scripts that the OP included in his setup / guide, all of the original stuff applies.
My changes are;
64bit Raspbian Lite 12 "Bookworm"MAME 0265Hypseus 2.11.2Attract-Mode Plus 3.0.8No AdvancedMenu Note - I didn't bother with AdvancedMenu, as I see it as pointless when AttractMode exists.Attract-Mode Plus instead of Attract-Mode - - I changed the executable name in /usr/local/bin/ from "attractplus" to "attract" rather then change the name in all the original scripts and locations.Launch Decorator plugin for AttractMode added. - Note - Disabled by default. I use this as a way to trigger a script on rom launch. In particular I use it to trigger a TOS GRS switchable 4 to 8 way restrictor to change mode based on the game being launched. This is configured already for this purpose if you turn it on in AttractMode, set the script directory to /home/pi/.attract/plugins/LaunchDecorator/scripts/ and script extension to .sh
If you don't have this hardware, just ignore this plugin, it causes no problems.TOS GRS Switchable 4-to-8 way restrictor plate software located in /home/pi/roms4way/ - - This is used in conjunction with the Launch Decorator plugin in AttractMode.
If you don't have this hardware, just ignore this folder, it causes no problems.GPIOnext installed for use of GPIO as buttons. - - Installed, daemons running, not configured.AttractModePlus is set up as default frontend.Note - AttractMode auto setup the MAME emulator in AM. It seems to be all good, though I wonder about the dir it chose for "emulator working directory". Surely wrong, but everything seems to work. I will play with this some more now that I have a working image.Everything is in horizontal "non-rotated" configuration.Note - I included the notes from the original guide for switching everything to a vertical rotation. Located in /home/pi/notes.txt
I think that is about all I changed from the original design.
There are some differences in parts of the system and setup process when using the latest 64bit Raspbian 12 Bookworm that gave me problems, but in the end I think I got everything figured out, and all seems to be working right, though I have not tested Hypseus, nor all of the scripts in the /home/pi/scripts/ directory.
Note that in Raspbian 12, /boot/cmdline.txt and /boot/config.txt are now located in
/boot/firmware/cmdline.txt and
/boot/firmware/config.txtWhile setting all this up, I had some issues with the RO file system setup script in particular, but I seem to have got it all sorted out.
I have shrunk this down as small as I could, this could be flashed to an 8gb sd card in a pinch.
The root partition is pretty small, but should be fine for most uses. It might be a problem if you try to compile new versions of MAME in your home DIR or elsewhere on the root partition.
SSH is
Hostname is
User is
pi Password is
raspberryDon't forget to do the included "" script, and setup wifi, locale, hostname, etc, with raspi-config or manually as needed.