Software Support > GroovyMAME

CRT Emudriver - Non emulated compatible games

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So Mega Man 9 and 10 essentially have "native" PC ports via Mega Man Legacy Collection 2. But something really weird is going on with their resolution, even beyond the forced 16:9 aspect ratio with borders.

I was able to get it down to 224 pixels tall, and you could tell that the vertical scaling "locked" to 1:1, but there was absolutely nothing I could do to get horizontal scaling to lock to 1:1.

The horizontal resolution should be 256. But even with me trying to adjust the horizontal resolution to allow the extra 16:9 space (then essentially cropping out with short timings in ArcadeOSD), it seems there was nothing I could do to get 1:1 on the horizontal axis.

It's been a while since I experimented with this, I just now remembered to post about it. But my best guess from that experience: it needs to be hacked to actually get it to display correctly at 256x224. Hack in what I way? I don't know. There seems to be some kind of intermediate frame buffer being used that does not line up with the game's native 256x224 resolution

I ended up just playing the games in Dolphin, where you can get a 1:1 lock on 256x240 (letterboxed 224p). Only problem being there was likely a small input lag penalty for emulation, which you could probably eliminate by playing the PC versions instead

First Cut: Samurai Duel

First Cut: Samurai Duel

320x180 1X Native resolution
320x200@60 Then Integer Scale down to 320x180
I used GameScope in Linux but should work just the same using integer-scaler

So I'm messing with this for the first time. I've used CRTEmudriver for a while but never used it to run modern PC games. So I'm just trying out a few games and was recommended this thread.

Instead of adding a modeline for every resolution, I saw a comment from 2020 that said to download a standalone version of Switchres. Is that still the recommended way to do this in 2024?


--- Quote from: superbike81 on May 08, 2024, 12:09:02 am ---So I'm messing with this for the first time. I've used CRTEmudriver for a while but never used it to run modern PC games. So I'm just trying out a few games and was recommended this thread.

Instead of adding a modeline for every resolution, I saw a comment from 2020 that said to download a standalone version of Switchres. Is that still the recommended way to do this in 2024?

--- End quote ---
Yes, standalone switchres works perfect.

Okay so the game launches, I use the Switchres command to get 360x200@60hz, but then the Switchres shows it's running my normal desktop resolution.The game starts up fine and there are no error messages. I installed a modeline for 400x240 for my widescreen desktop, and it keeps settings it to that. Any ideas?


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